DIY Spice Rack – Part 1
DIY Spice Rack – Part 1

DIY Spice Rack – Part 1

Yesterday, after a 3 week break from even thinking about DIY [due to traveling for the holidays, a wedding vow renewal on the beach 2 days after Christmas, and friends over for New Years], I decided it was time to get back into it.  I’m starting by making my long overdue DIY Spice Rack!

On Saturday morning Hubby and I went down to the local mom & pop hardware store and bought 5 pieces of ⅜”x¾”x6′ trim.  I lugged them down to the basement cage [they’re not heavy, just awkward] and cut them into 10 24″ pieces & 3 22″ pieces:

building a diy spice rack

Then I brought them up to the girl cave, sat on the floor, and built my spice rack!  It’s based loosely on 2 designs I found online – one at and one at  By some miracle the nail holes are all on one side [which will now be the back, naturally] of my spice rack.  I wish I could attribute it to a well thought out design, but it was more a product of sitting on the floor with a hammer and nails and whacking the thing together… There was a fair amount of swearing and bent nails during the process, but it came out better than I expected:

building a diy spice rack        15c

This morning I primed the spice rack [and the cat platform & ramp for the dining room, but that will be discussed in a separate post]:

priming the diy spice rack and cat ramp

This afternoon I’ll paint it. I’m also going to the hardware store today to buy some brackets for the platform and ramp, and a stud finder [something I should already own, but don’t].

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  1. Anne

    Two great projects. I love the design of the spice rack and the cats are going to love the ramp, but I’m envisioning constant turf wars over which one gets to sit on the platform and watch that part of their world go by!

    1. Nine Dark Moons

      The cats seem to constantly trade places – one day Bonkers will be sleeping on the arm chair, and Darwin will be sleeping on the temporary window platform, and then the next day they’ve switched. I don’t think it will be a problem. I think the hardest part will be teaching Bonkers that he can safely go up and down the ramp. Darwin will be able to easily jump up to the platform, but not poor rickety Bonkers.

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