Backyard Catio – Part 5
Backyard Catio – Part 5

Backyard Catio – Part 5

Despite battling a stomach bug, sore throat, and major headache, I managed to get myself to Home Depot and buy 16 of the connectors my Dad suggested:

outdoor cat enclosure / catio rigid tie connector webpage

He also suggested I buy the matching screws, which are sold in the same end-aisle display, and don’t require pilot holes because their tips chew right into the wood.  Brilliant!

When I got home I took a nap, then got up and started putting the frames [back] together.  I laid them out on the living room floor to square everything up, measured carefully to determine where each bracket should go, then got screwing.  After about 20 minutes, the 2 main frames were ready to go back outside to the yard.  Hubby helped me carry them out, all the while suggesting I should really consider going back to bed.  Sorry, hubby, not when I’m this close to being done with the frame!!!

Once everything was back out in the yard I placed the 2 frames facing each other, got them level and resting on bricks, and attached the cross beams.  After about 15 more minutes of screwing, the frame was DONE!

outdoor cat enclosure / catio frame assembled and me        177d

177b      177e      177c

Next up will be building the shelf slats and installing those, followed by enclosing the structure in chicken wire.  Hooray for progress!  Now I’m totally going back to bed…

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