A Tree Chopped & A Trip to the Local Transfer Station
A Tree Chopped & A Trip to the Local Transfer Station

A Tree Chopped & A Trip to the Local Transfer Station

After finally going to the huge transfer station 2 towns away earlier this month, I made it to our local transfer station today.  It’s much smaller, but equally as awesome.  It’s at the end of a very long road through beautiful salt marsh:


Last year our neighbor chopped her lilac tree down to almost nothing, and this year it was covered in so many gorgeous, bright purple flowers [which you can see in the background of these recent photos]:

271l        271m

Ours, which I don’t think has ever been trimmed, had about 4 very washed-out flowers.  I read up on trimming, and it said the best time to do it is right after they’re done blooming.  So this morning I grabbed my hand saw and chopped ours back to almost nothing.


271a        271b


271i        271j

Our house looks very naked!  I was left with a huge stack of really big branches next to my car:

271d        271c

It took 3 trips to haul them all to the transfer station.  Afterwards, my car was a complete mess:

271g        271h

It took 3 cycles with the vac at the local car wash to suck all the leaves & bark up.  When I got home, Darwin was sleeping in a box on the dining room table:


Later on, both boys were outside enjoying their catio:


It was such a beautiful, hot, summer day today 🙂

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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      When I was growing up, we had a big yard which backed up to conservation land – it was perfect for tossing yard clipping and branches. I wish we had something like that here, it would be easier than filling my car with a tree!

  1. I am doing the exact same thing to our rhodies today, after the best blooming season we’ve ever had. They always look so pitiful when they’re pruned … but they are impossible to kill. Your lilac will be fine. Tough love!

    1. Nine Dark Moons

      I know it! It looks quite pitiful. But our neighbor’s lilac looked just like that last year and this year it looks like a healthy shrub again, covered in leaves and flowers. I wish I’d taken a picture of hers while it was blooming!

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