A Pet Update
A Pet Update

A Pet Update

I need to offload some of the adorable pet photos I’ve been obsessively taking over the past 5 weeks – I’ve seriously taken almost 300 photos!  I have narrowed them down to my 39 favorites:


Chillin’ on my workbench:


Munching the cat grass I brought in from outside:


A civil confrontation with Darwin, and her favorite spot on hot days [upstairs hall]:



Investigating my new Death Star necklace:


Beating a hasty retreat after remembering he’s scared of the “evil” ceiling fan:


Hunting birds in the girl cave window & snoozing in my motorcycle tail bag:


Sharing cat grass with Bonkers & giving each of daddy’s green salad olives a good lick:



Enjoying sunny afternoons in the catio with much face-rubbing on the wire:


Enjoying sunny afternoons in the living room window:

bonkers relaxing on the living room ottoman        bonkers enjoying a sunny afternoon in the living room

Chillin’ on his living room basket, and hanging outside with mummy:


Enjoying more time in the catio, alone & with Darwin [and more face-rubbing]:



Chillin’ in his hammock, and enjoying some whipped cream & berries:


Having fun playing in our outdoor plant pots:


Lots of good smells, & love from daddy:


Enjoying some strawberry oatmeal bar under the couch comforter with mummy, and chillin’ on the River wall in our back yard:



I spent a lot of time these past 5 weeks hanging out in the back yard with the cats in the catio. I sit in my plastic Adirondack chair, sometimes with a mug of tea [mornings] or a glass of wine [evenings], watching the world go by. I enjoy having our yard door open so I can see the street on one side [and watch the cars/trucks/people go by] and the River on the other side. It’s so relaxing back there!

Here’s the view from the living room door looking out at the catio and my chair[s], and looking to the right at Bonky in the catio and towards the front of our house:


The view [from my chair] looking straight ahead at the living room door & the view looking right at our driveway & street:


Chillin’ with the boys:


The view looking left at the Ipswich River, dam/waterfall, and dead tree which landed half over the falls a few weeks ago. It’s now a favorite spot for the cormorants to dry their wings:

view of the ipswich river and dam from the backyard adirondack chair        view of the ipswich river and dam from the backyard adirondack chair

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