Carlos & the 4 Rats
Carlos & the 4 Rats

Carlos & the 4 Rats

I met Jim in September 2011.  I wanted to make him something cool for Christmas so that year I painted Darwin & Wilber for him on 8×10″ wood block.  It’s been hanging in the living room ever since.  Wilber is holding a bauble [present] for Darwin:

the painting of darwin & wilber i did for jim in 2011       

I also painted 3 smaller portraits on 6×6″ art boards for friends & family, including Moushka & Her for my parents and Deedee & Otis for Martha:

her & moushka painting for mom and dad 2011 - acrylic on 6x6" gesso board        deedee & otis painting for martha 2011 - acrylic on 6x6" gesso board

But I’ve always had one canvas left over, painted all except for animals in the middle.  After meeting my German family & meeting their cat Carlos this past Fall, I knew I had to paint Carlos for them.  I didn’t want him to be lonely so I added 4 rats to the picture.  One of them is holding a bauble for Carlos for when he wakes up 🙂

carlos & 4 rats art painting for daniela 2011/2017 - acrylic on 6x6" gesso board

I painted this before Christmas, but I couldn’t post about it until Daniela & Joachim received it.  I was very late getting it to them.  Thankfully they loved it!

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