Front Stoop Stained & Sealed
Front Stoop Stained & Sealed

Front Stoop Stained & Sealed

Today after work I water-sealed/stained our front stoop / front steps with the same water-seal/stain I used for the catio [Thompson’s WaterSeal Semi-Transparent Waterproofing Stain in color Acorn]:

outdoor cat enclosure / catio thompson's waterseal waterproofing stain acorn

It came out awesome:


Here’s the progression from brick, to crumbling brick, to demolition, to being rebuilt [we didn’t build it, a contractor did], to completion last August, and finally to watersealed/stained:

original old brick front stoop covered in fall leaves        original old brick front stoop crumbling

demolition materials from the old brick front stoop        framing the new front stoop

new wooden front stoop which replaced the crumbling brick one       new wooden front stoop which replaced the crumbling brick one

222b        222a

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