

Fall is OK, but it means winter is coming and I don’t like winter!  I wish it went from Fall to Spring to Summer to Fall.  I was in Florida all weekend with hubby, celebrating his dad’s 75th Birthday – Happy Birthday Dad#2!  It was fun – we [Jim, me, Jim’s brother and Jim’s nephew and niece] flew down and totally surprised him 🙂  But somehow I managed to not take even 1 picture.  Oops!

The tree outside our house is really pretty:


After being locked out of the cat enclosure all weekend, the boys were super happy to be back out there this afternoon:

darwin in the outdoor cat enclosure / catio        grass growing in a pot in our yard

yellow and orange fall foliage leaves in our yard        bonkers in the outdoor cat enclosure / catio

bonkers smiling in the outdoor cat enclosure / catio        purple bachelor buttons fading for fall in our yard

red flowers fading in our yard for fall        darwin playing with a leaf in the outdoor cat enclosure / catio

I haven’t done any DIY in like a week.  It’s making me feel weird.

My friend Christyne gave me this awesome skeletal rat as an early Halloween gift:

219j        219k

Happy Fall everyone!

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  1. Deine Schwester

    I enjoy every day the beautiful autumn colors of the threes,
    and hope the winter is short not to cold.
    Ich genieße die herrlichen Herbstfarben der Bäume jeden Tag,
    und hoffe der winter ist kurz und nicht zu kalt.
    liebe grüsse

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