Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 7
Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 7

Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 7

Today after work, while I was supposed to be relaxing, I did this instead:

2 new living room cat platforms for birdie

That would be two new small cat platforms for Birdie.  It all started because I had just laid on the couch to watch a fascinating episode of Intervention when I noticed Birdie on the window platform above me:

2 new living room cat platforms for birdie

And then she did this:

2 new living room cat platforms for birdie        2 new living room cat platforms for birdie

She seemed quite interested in me and my comforter.  So I ran down to the basement, grabbed 2 spare cat platforms, my drill, some wall anchors, and voila:

2 new living room cat platforms for birdie        2 new living room cat platforms for birdie

She looked at them, but didn’t try them out even after I sprinkled fish flakes on them.  Oh well.  In the meantime, to keep Bonkers in the dark, they can double as plant stands:

2 new living room cat platforms for birdie

A few days later I shored up the newest 2 with stronger brackets, and painted the brackets to match the wall:

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I also took down the one over the window and painted it white:


I cut some little blocks to attach to the window frame so the platform would hang further from the wall to allow more room for the curtains and shade to fall behind it:

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The newly-painted-white platform looks so good! Now we have a full chain of steps leading from the alcove down to the couch:

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Birdie likes it, too!


It looks better than it did when I first hung it, when it was a scrap piece of stained wood:

2 new living room cat platforms for birdie

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