Replacing The Glass in a Picture Frame
Replacing The Glass in a Picture Frame

Replacing The Glass in a Picture Frame

In 2002 my brother went to New Zealand on business and brought me back this awesome piece of art:

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It’s a stamped rock in a box frame, called “Wellbeing”.  I wish I could find the card that came with it which described the artist and the work he does, but I can’t find it.

Last year it fell off the wall and the frame glass cracked into pieces.  I kept meaning to take it to a frame shop to get fixed, but it remained in the pile of “things to eventually repair”.  In the same pile was my beloved garnet cabochon ring:


I smacked it against something 2 years ago and the garnet popped out of the band.  A couple weeks ago I finally took it to the local jeweler to be fixed.  Garnet is my birth stone and I’ve always loved the blood red color.  Most garnets come faceted, but I prefer the smooth cabochon.

Anyways, this week after work I managed to cut a new piece of glass for the New Zealand box frame [thanks, Ab, for the pane of clear glass!]:

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I used my glass cutting tool and glass breaking tool to cut it, and my glass grinder to smooth the edges:


Helps to have stained glassing tools on hand!  Now it’s as good as new and back on the wall:


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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      your tile cutters are amazing – i remember you posting about them before. they seem way better than normal tile cutters! you should get yourself a garnet cabochon 🙂 you do love red, after all!

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