Furlough Project #5 – Cube Storage
Furlough Project #5 – Cube Storage

Furlough Project #5 – Cube Storage

I am a Federal employee & have been on furlough since 12/22/2018 [thankfully it finally ended & I’ll be going back to work Monday!!!].  During the furlough I’ve been keeping busy with projects and deep cleaning.  My 5th furlough project was installing more cubbie storage in our dining room.  The far right corner of the dining room has always housed my 3 tall DVD shelves.  I didn’t take any pictures before dismantling them last week, but you can see them in this pic [which was right after our replacement windows were installed]:

our house getting replacement windows installed

I’ve had them for over 10 years, they’re originally from IKEA.  But in this day of streaming I can’t remember the last time I actually picked a movie off the shelf to watch.  I don’t want to get rid of them but storing them in wall racks is not the most efficient use of space for us anymore.  Stay tuned for furlough project #6 – DVD Storage 🙂

Our dining room table is often where we dump EVERYTHING.  It accumulates into mountains and then we sort through it and clean it up [this pic is sort of in between mountain and clean]:

We’ve had cubbies against the front wall of the dining room for a couple of years.  They usually look like the pic on the left, but I gave them a cleaning and an upgrade during furlough:


Here is the area where the DVD racks used to be, and a pic of the new cubbies I ordered from Amazon [#affiliate] [they look checkerboardy because every other cube has a back piece]:


A MUCH better use of space 🙂

Most of my stuff is already stored in the original dining room cubbies.  So [with his permission] I went through Jim’s stuff on the dining room table and in 2 large floor baskets and it’s now all in labeled cubbies:

So much better!  You can see both storage cubbie units in this pic [foreground left, far wall right]:

The DVD shelves had nicked the paint above the new cubbies, so I utilized my new paint storage solution and touched it up:


Much better:

Here are some closeups of the adorable fabric bins I got at Target and the matching clip-on labels – now Jim will always know where everything is [hopefully]:


And the dining room table looks so much better:

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  1. AnneV

    I love organizing because then I can actually find something I need instead of going nuts looking everywhere and still not finding it. What an improvement – the cubbies and the dining room look great.

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