A Visit From Pop & Susie
A Visit From Pop & Susie

A Visit From Pop & Susie

In mid September, Jim’s Dad and his wife came to visit us for a few days.  It was a wonderful visit and we had a lot of fun doing touristy things and eating wonderful food.

I’ve been wanting to go back to Wolf Hollow here in Ipswich, MA, and Pop & Susie were game.  Wolf Hollow’s mission is “the preservation of the wolf in the wild through education and exposure”.  I had been there years ago but wanted to go back.  There are 7 wolves living at Wolf Hollow but only 3 living in the main enclosure.  Guests sit in a small area with stadium seating and listen as the naturalist teaches you about wolves:


It’s amazing to me how one moment they can look like a fierce predator and the next look like a sweet dog waiting for a treat:


On another afternoon we went to Newburyport, MA.  Pop & Susie shopped while hubby & I sat on curbs & benches and people watched.  I don’t have any pictures from Newburyport.  I had just started the z-pack antibiotics when they were visiting, and I was exhausted from being sick for 5 weeks.  Susie told me she had once had a sore throat no one could diagnose, and it turned out to be a staph infection in her throat.  It was so weird when 3 weeks later I was diagnosed with the same thing!  As we were wandering through downtown Newburyport I did happen to glance into a store selling fancy pet things and spotted this rug, which I HAD TO HAVE:

On the last afternoon we went to Rockport, MA, always a beautiful place to visit.  So many little shingled houses & the famous “Motif #1“:



Once again, Pop & Susie wandered in and out of shops [Susie bought a gorgeous white blouse with aqua trim – I wish I’d gotten a picture of her wearing it] and Jim & I sat on curbs & benches people watching.  Here is Jim sitting on a piling near “Motif #1”:


And Jim & Pop chillaxing on a bench while Susie was buying her beautiful blouse:

We are both looking forward to visiting them [and my family] at Christmas.

(Visited 141 times, 1 visits today)


  1. What a nice summery memory (it’s really cold here in Seattle)! Rockport reminds me of our town of Coupeville on Whidbey Island, which also features a famous red wharf building. We also have a wolf sanctuary, Wolf Haven, near here. I was there long ago. LOVE that door mat!!

  2. AnneV

    So glad to finally see you blogging again – no matter what the subject (house improvement, pets, or fun visitors), your postings are always fascinating.
    You did a lot of really fun things with Dave and Susie, and I have to tell you that the photo of the zinnias in Rockport makes me want to plant zillions of them next summer. Such gorgeous colors, so beautiful!

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