Tall Bookcase – Part 2
Tall Bookcase – Part 2

Tall Bookcase – Part 2

Last Tuesday I posted my first progress report on the tall bookcase in the girl cave.  I had gotten the bookcase body primed, and had put 1 coat of primer on the 5 shelves.  I also started patching the bottom edge of each side of the body where pieces of wood had flaked off.  After posting, I was able to finish patching one side:

The following day I flipped the bookcase over and assessed the damage:

Here are closeups – this side is way worse than the other was:


I filled the divots with wood filler, waited for it to dry, sanded it flat, then repeated until it looked good enough to prime:


Up close they look a tad bumpy, but from a standing position you can’t tell there’s any defect:


After putting a 2nd coat of primer on each side of the shelves I started painting them Benjamin Moore Exotic Red:

benjamin moore exotic red #B42835 - girl cave tall bookcase

It took 6 coats [!!!] but one side is done:




I have also gotten 3 coats on one side of the bookcase body:


I’m loving how it’s looking so far.  So shiny!

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