Stained Glass Stars – Part 2
Stained Glass Stars – Part 2

Stained Glass Stars – Part 2

Today I made another stained glass star!  I went into work this morning but got home at 1:30 and immediately headed down to my workshop and started another star.  The glass I used today is a dark teal color, and has a wavy pattern to it.  If you hold it on it’s side it looks like the surface of a lake.  So pretty!

229a        229b

You can see my first piece traced out in gold sharpie in the first pic, up in the left corner.  Metallic sharpies are good to use for stained glassing because you can see it really well on the glass, and it washes right off.  Although it takes a bit of scrubbing, so it doesn’t rub off before you’re ready.

In no time at all [45 minutes to be exact] I had the pieces cut, the edges ground, and the foil on:

229c        229d

A half hour later the star was soldered and hanging up!

229e        229f

I ended up moving it to the other side of the window:

229g        229h

I’m sure that Abbie will notice I didn’t align the pattern – aka the directionality of the wave pattern is all willy nilly versus facing the same direction… oops… I didn’t even think about that.  I will consider that next time!

It’s nice to know it only took me an hour and 15 minutes to make the 2nd star, versus 2½ hours for the first one.  Maybe my 3rd one will be even faster?

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