Month: <span>August 2014</span>
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Deck – Part 4

As of my last deck post, we had a deck and we had a door. The door being a HUGE improvement over climbing out the window! Since then, the 2nd French door – leading from the living room out to the yard – has been installed. It’s a twin to the one upstairs leading out to the deck, and is located directly below that one.

Deck – Part 3

So as of my first deck update we had a deck! We had no door [and had to climb through the bedroom window], but we had a deck! And then nothing happened for 3 LONG weeks – Gah! This past Friday, the contractors FINALLY came back and put in a door!

Living Room Cupboard – Part 8

The original title of this post was “The 6th Coat’s the Charm!” So yeah, I’m STILL struggling with the living room cupboard overhaul. After briefly thinking I was done, I decided it looked like crap and started over. The only thing I liked from my first attempt was the stained plywood top. Hubby helped me decide on a new color for the base and doors [Benjamin Moore Night Flower – same as the laundry room]

Deck – Part 2

During the first week of deck construction, support posts were placed & the deck was framed in. Mid-way through the 2nd week, we came home to… A deck!!! OMG we have a deck! We still have no DOOR to get out to the deck [we have to climb through the bedroom window] but at least we have a deck! We climbed out the window and took our first deck selfie 🙂