Deck – Part 3
Deck – Part 3

Deck – Part 3

So as of my first deck update we had a deck!  We had no door [and had to climb through the bedroom window], but we had a deck!

And then nothing happened for 3 LONG weeks – Gah!

This past Friday, the contractors FINALLY came back and put in a door!  The door leads from the bedroom out to the deck.  Here’s some before and after shots of the window and new [unfinished] door:

preparing bedroom for deck door, which will replace window        deck door installed in bedroom

preparing bedroom for deck door, which will replace window        59d

It is SO AWESOME to be able to access the deck without crawling through the window!  On Saturday we managed to get our fancy new plastic Adirondack chairs up there – they actually wouldn’t fit through the door [d’oh!] but we hauled them up using rope:


Today the contractors came back and framed the door:


And put in a nice, wide step outside:

59g        59h

Hooray for progress!  They still need to come back, finish the trim, & paint the door white.  And install the matching French door in the living room, leading out to the yard, which will bring SO much more light into the living room!  And allow the cats to “hunt” birds, chipmunks, groundhogs and squirrels all day while we’re at work [the current door is plain, white, hollow-core crap] 🙂

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