Goodbye Sweet Bonkers

On 12/1/17 we lost our sweet boy Bonkers.  He’d been sick for a long time but started going downhill very fast at the end of November.  The morning he stopped drinking and eating we knew it was time to make the very tough decision.  We took him to our vet and 3 days later took home his ashes.  We will spread them in his favorite outdoor spots this Spring.

Jim and I adopted General Bonkers from the Ipswich Animal Shelter in July 2012.  He loved catnip, chasing the laser dot, and hanging out in the catio.  He loved being outside, whether in the catio, on his leash, or in my arms.  My Dad called him “the most disheveled cat I’ve ever seen”:

dining room cat platforms bonkers        bonkers rubbing his face on the chicken wire of the outdoor cat enclosure / catio

bonkers investigating outdoor cat enclosure / catio leash        bonkers on leash in front yard

bonkers being a bug on the living room floor        bonkers begging in the bedroom

He was the sweetest cat ever.  Not once did he growl, hiss, scratch, bite, or show anything except love and gentleness.  Although, on 2nd thought, he did smack Birdie in the face when we first got her.  But other than that he was the best boy ever and we will miss him forever.

Here are some final shots I took of him.  The last one is a few hours before he left his physical body.  I was trying to get him to drink some water, but you can see in his eyes that he’s just done:



We miss you & love you Bonky!!!

Darwin doesn’t seem to notice Bonkers is gone.  Birdie definitely does – it took her less than 24 hours to figure it out and claim the entire house as her own.

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10 thoughts on “Goodbye Sweet Bonkers”

  1. Aw, Alison, I’m so sorry about Bonkers! What a hard road you’ve had lately. I hope you fully recover from that tonsillectomy and can relax and enjoy some holiday time with family and critters. Merry Christmas!

  2. Health wise, you’ve had a really tough time over the past few weeks – so glad the tonsillectomy worked and you’re finally feeling better.
    We’re both sorry about Bonkers – it’s always heartbreaking to let go of a beloved pet. He was a wonderful cat, and you two gave him the best years of his life.


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