Page last updated 5/5/2020
[1] I waterproofed my workbench:
[2] I eradicated black mold from behind the fridge:
[3] I replaced the motor in our bathroom ceiling fan:
[4] I painted the tall bookcase in the girl cave high-gloss red:
[5] I upgraded the catio with welded wire & a DIY sleeping box:
[6] I re-stained the front stoop:
[8] I painted our neighbor’s door black:
[10] I crafted a DIY litter box:
[1] I painted Franc at a Paint Bar:
[2] I began work on a chameleon mural for hubby:
[3] I crafted 2 stained glass stars and a beach glass pendant:
[5] I painted rings on our wine glasses:
(Visited 379 times, 1 visits today)
You rock! Most importantly, how are you feeling? Happy New Year, Alison!!
Hi D’Arcy! I still haven’t commented on your seasons greetings post – GAH! The last 4 months have been different, for sure. I am feeling better! Not 100%, but the tonsillectomy got rid of the endless sore throat, and my energy is slowly starting to come back. Right now hubby and I have colds we caught flying home from FL for the holidays. BLEH. Happy New Year to you and Eric and your zoo!
You’re a very talented and industrious DIYer (sorry, I know that can’t possibly be a word). In view of how rotten you felt the last third of last year, I’m endlessly impressed with what you accomplished. Can’t wait to see what you do next. I still vote for winterizing the cateo, but this weather is hardly conducive to doing that.
I actually wrote this post November 3rd! I totally forgot it was set to publish tonight. I meant to go in and make edits and updates. Oh well! I fixed it.
YIKES! Normally, I’d assume you’d just go for it – all of it – and complete everything by the end of the year. However, in view of feeling like hell for the past three months, maybe you should just rest up and tackle it all next year! However, if you’re going to complete just one project, I’d vote for No. 8 – winterizing the catio. The boys would be SO happy!
the projects at the end are just ones i’m planning or would like to do at some point in the future… not things i’m going to do this year. i am not really planning on doing much else this year!