Major Accomplishments of 2019

i supported the mirror frame with heavy objects while the glue dried

Despite taking almost half a year off from blogging, I managed to accomplish a lot! Being on furlough for the first 5 weeks of the year with nothing to do but projects helped immensely, but I think that’s in part what caused my burnout.

A Smart Thermostat for the Bedroom

the bedroom smart thermostat looks quite nice all installed

The 3rd heating zone is our master bedroom.  I installed the smart thermostat in there back on November 30th, but didn’t have time to feed the wire through the wall until this past weekend.  Since you have already read all about our other 2 smart thermostats, I’ll keep this post very short.

Crayon Art – Part 1

crayon art 1, 2, & 3 hanging on my office wall

This past November I decided to relax by coloring with crayons.  I have been keeping an ear open to the recent trend of adult coloring books, but wanted to make my own designs to color in.  I found a book of thick art paper in the girl cave, grabbed my circle templates [same ones I use for stained glass and art painting], a sharpie, and a ruler and set to work.

A Girl Cave Overhaul

the girl cave was reorganized & squeaky clean in december 2019

This past May I spent about 6 weeks completely cleaning and overhauling the girl cave.  I removed 2 large trash bags of crap, and moved a bunch of stuff to the basement for storage.  I didn’t take any “before” pictures, because, well, I guess since I wasn’t really in a blogging mood I also wasn’t thinking ahead to “before” pictures.

Stained Glass Nautical Stars

the completed pink and yellow nautical stained glass star

This past August I decided to craft 2 stained glass nautical stars.  I had promised a coworker I’d make her a star, and she really likes nautical stars, so instead of my usual star pattern I found a new one online. I decided to make 2 stars, one for her and one for me.

Darwin Found teh Black Moldz

darwin had me pull the fridge away from the wall to rescue his hair tie toys

Today after work I was running around doing chores and unpacking boxes into assorted Christmas gift piles.  While I was walking through the kitchen to the basement I noticed Darwin was perched in front of the fridge, staring intently underneath it.