Light for Kathy’s Cage

the new light fixture installed in kathy's basement cage

For a few months now, half the basement has been dark.  There are 4 sets of fluorescent ceiling lights down there, but 2 had burnt out.  Unfortunately the half that’s been dark is my neighbor Kathy’s – her cage is in a separate room of the basement and been basically pitch black.  I knew I needed to get replacement bulbs, but I’ve been sick for so long and so exhausted that I kept forgetting. 

OMG Fish Babies!

we ended up with 11 fish babies in september

OK, so a few years ago I bought some assorted adult fish at the pet store and it turned out the female gold-dust Molly was pregnant and had a fish baby [she probably had a lot more but they all got eaten by the mom and the other adults]. The Fish Baby was the cutest thing ever!

A Cat Update

bonkers looking adorable in his pirate sweater

I haven’t really written a pet update since June, so I figured now would be a good time. I’ve been holding onto some photos from the past few months to share with you. We don’t currently have any rats; we’re still mourning the unexpected passing of Franc last June 🙁 Instead we’ve been busy focusing on Bonkers’ health, my health, and an accidental onslaught of fish babies…

Ipswich Illuminated 2017

ipswich illuminated 2017 - led color changing waterfall lights

Every year Ipswich, MA does what it calls Ipswich Illuminated.  They light mini barges on fire along the River, decorate public streets & parks with lights, have activities for kids, have cool artistic light-related installations…  it’s very cool!  I’ve enjoyed seeing the River fires since I moved here 6 years ago.  Apparently I’ve never posted any pics on my blog before.

Clarence & Clementine’s Brave Adventure

clarence & clementine painted turtle, holding hands on a rock in the ipswich river

Since I’ve been sick for 12 weeks, I haven’t really had anything to blog about, so I’ve been writing you a story instead.  This is my 2nd foray into short story writing.  This story was inspired by something hubby and I witnessed from our backyard on October 8th.  So I guess you can say this story is “Based on Actual Events” 🙂

DIY Litter Box

a dremel cutting disk hit me in the neck because i had the dremel on too high a speed

About 6 weeks ago, after being sick for 6 weeks [I’m finally starting to feel better, although I’m still way too tired] I decided I needed to do something DIY-ish.  Birdie was having a love-hate relationship with her litter boxes and usually left me daily “presents” on the girl cave floor.  Turns out it was the litter not the box, but I didn’t know that then.