Stained Glass Mobiles – Part 1

diy stained glass mobile

Back in September I made my first stained glass mobile. It was a gift for one of my German relatives who got married over the summer. I can’t seem to stop being enamored with glass circles. Cutting them, connecting them, etc. – I do hope someday to branch out into other stuff!

My Virtual Mission – Part 4

my award for completing 50% of my virtual mission across the country

In August 2016 I shared my mission to virtually bicycle across the US from Ipswich, MA, to the Seattle Aquarium.  I am logging all the miles I ride on the recumbent bike at the YMCA & the miles I walk into  I have logged 1,500 miles so far, and reached 50% of my mission.

A Cat Door for the Downstairs Bath

darwin testing the cat door after i installed it in the bathroom door

Ever since installing an automatic cat fountain in the downstairs bathroom last month, Darwin has been using it constantly [HOORAY!]. But the motion sensor is so sensitive the fountain turns on anytime we move past the bathroom door. Jim suggested installing a cat door so we could keep the bathroom door closed.

Doorknobs & Hinges – Part 1

i shimmed the door open to the right width with wood

For a long time I’ve wanted to replace our ugly, old, stained [and sometimes painted] brass hinges and ugly gold doorknobs with silver. I’ve never been a yellow gold person. Or brass. I finally started this project the first week of September before my trip to Germany.

Squirrel Platform = FAIL

a very happy squirrel after eating some snacks from the platform

Last weekend I had to take the squirrel platform down.  The issue was mice.  Stupid, hangry, devious, mice.  They found a hole under the squirrel platform leading into our basement and started ripping out hunks of insulation.

Germany 2018 – Part 4

picking up apples in my family's garden, nĂ¼rtingen, germany

My brother-in-law told me my 5th full day in Germany would be a “no travel” day.  I was hoping that meant a “relax day” but it was not.  He told me they really needed to spend some time in their 2 gardens [land they own, about a 5 minute drive from their house] harvesting vegetables & nuts, and composting the hundreds of apples and pears that had fallen from their trees.Â