Happy 3rd Blogiversary to Me!

Today is my 3rd Blogiversary.  On August 26, 2013, I published my first post on ninedarkmoons.com and started a 3 year odyssey of DIY, creativity, photography, and self expression.  I’ve also learned way more about website design than I ever thought possible!

Over the past 3 years I’ve published 316 posts & over 4,500 photos.  I am very proud of what I’ve accomplished.

Thank you to everyone who has read what I’ve written and shared their own stories and comments.  I have made some wonderful blog friends and have very much enjoyed being part of the DIY blog community.

happy 3rd blogiversary to me!

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10 thoughts on “Happy 3rd Blogiversary to Me!”

    • I love your yearly house tour! I’m working on updating my house tour pictures. It’s amazing how fast things change when you look at it on a yearly basis!


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