Backyard Catio – Part 9

Today after work I went to Home Depot to get a few more supplies, including a fancier staple gun [#affiliate] than the one I bought last year:

dewalt high power staple gun and stainless steel staples catio        dewalt high power staple gun

I like it because it has a wire guide which should make it easier to staple the chicken wire to the cat enclosure.  I also bought stainless steel staples [#affiliate], which my Dad suggested for outdoor use, since they won’t rust:

outdoor cat enclosure / catio stainless steel staples

And I picked up 3 6-foot 1×3’s – Dad suggested 2×3’s but I couldn’t find any.  I’ll use them to craft the door for the enclosure:


And galvanized hinges [3] and door handle [another Dad suggestion since they won’t rust]:


I have tomorrow off from work [woohoo!] so I’m hoping [if the rain holds off] to get the enclosure enclosed in chicken wire and get the door built.

Lastly, I found these awesome seat cushions which are meant to go on chairs but fit perfectly on the enclosure shelves:

181a        181b

181c        181d

They were on super sale [$20/each vs. $55/each on the website], and are meant to be outdoors, so hopefully they won’t get mildewy.  I like the subtle jungle print:

outdoor cat enclosure / catio cushions

And they have ties so I can easily tie them to the shelf slats.  Score!

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3 thoughts on “Backyard Catio – Part 9”

  1. Crème is sitting next to me as I look at the pictures. Luckily, she cannot understand what I am seeing or she would want to go live at your house. As a black cat, she would fit right in over there!

    • Thanks, Jessica! Crème is welcome anytime – Darwin would fall madly in love with her but Bonkers might just sit and howl 🙂 Maybe next summer you can build her an enclosure to match your amazing mosaic foundation!

  2. Wow – the end is actually in sight for your fantastic project.
    Enjoy your day off – hopefully the rain will hold off until you’ve fastened all the wire on.
    Love the Jungle print!


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